Katherine Jenkins - Parla Più Piano Lyrics

Parla Più Piano Lyrics

Parla più piano e nessuno sentirà,
Il nostro amore lo viviamo io e te,
Nessuno sa la verità
Neppure il cielo che ci guarda da lassù

Parla più piano e vieni più vicino a me
Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,
Nessuno sa la verità
È un grande amore e mai più grande esisterà
Insieme a te io resterò,
Amore mio, sempre così

Insieme a te io resterò,
Amore mio, sempre così

Parla più piano e vieni più vicino a me
Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,
Nessuno sa la verità
È un grande amore e mai più grande
È un grande amore e mai più grande esisterà

Parla Più Piano Video

Parla Più Piano Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Parla Più Piano by Katherine Jenkins: A Deep Dive into the Song's Meaning and Biblical Analysis


Parla Più Piano is a beautiful song performed by the talented British soprano, Katherine Jenkins. The song, also known as "Speak Softly Love," gained popularity as the love theme from the iconic film, The Godfather.

Key Messages of the Song:

1. "Parla più piano e nessuno sentirà" - "Speak softly and no one will hear"
The opening line of the song sets the tone of intimacy and secrecy. It suggests that by speaking softly, the love shared between two people can remain hidden from the world. This message speaks to the idea of cherishing and protecting a love that may not be accepted by society or others.

2. "Il nostro amore lo viviamo io e te" - "We live our love, you and I"
This line emphasizes the exclusivity and uniqueness of the love between the two individuals. It suggests that their love is something personal and private, only experienced by them. It conveys a sense of commitment and devotion to one another.

3. "Nessuno sa la verità" - "No one knows the truth"
Here, the song implies that the depth and true nature of their love are known only to the couple themselves. It suggests that their love is a secret kept hidden from the world, emphasizing the intimacy and closeness they share.

4. "È un grande amore e mai più grande esisterà" - "It's a great love, and no greater will exist"
This line expresses the magnitude and significance of their love. It implies that their love is unmatched, incomparable, and one of a kind. It speaks to the idea that their love is extraordinary and unparalleled.

5. "Insieme a te io resterò, amore mio, sempre così" - "I will stay with you, my love, always like this"
This final line reinforces the commitment and devotion between the two individuals. It conveys the promise of standing by each other's side and remaining in love, no matter the circumstances or challenges they may face. It speaks to the idea of enduring love and loyalty.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song:

Parla Più Piano, or Speak Softly Love, was composed by Nino Rota for the film The Godfather. The song serves as the love theme for the characters Michael Corleone and his wife, Apollonia. In the film, their love story is tragically cut short, but the song beautifully captures the essence of their brief and passionate romance.

The meaning of the song extends beyond the film's narrative and resonates with listeners on a deeper level. It speaks to the universal themes of forbidden love, secrecy, and the desire to protect and cherish a love that may not be accepted by society. The song's melancholic melody and lyrics evoke a sense of longing and vulnerability, drawing listeners into the emotional depth of the story.

Biblical Analysis of the Song:

When analyzing the song from a Biblical perspective, it is essential to consider the context and themes presented. The main themes of secrecy, forbidden love, and exclusivity may raise questions about how they align with Biblical principles.

1. Secrecy and Forbidden Love:
The Bible encourages honesty, transparency, and openness in relationships. Ephesians 5:11 says, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." While the song portrays a love that is kept hidden, it is important to recognize that secrecy can be detrimental to relationships and lead to deceit. The Bible promotes love that is pure, genuine, and able to withstand the scrutiny of others.

2. Exclusivity and Commitment:
While the song emphasizes the exclusivity and commitment between the two individuals, the Bible encourages faithful and committed relationships within the context of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 states, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled." The Bible teaches that love should be expressed within the boundaries of a committed marital relationship.

3. Enduring Love and Loyalty:
The promise of staying together and enduring love presented in the song aligns with Biblical principles of commitment and loyalty. The Bible encourages spouses to remain faithful to one another, even in the face of challenges and difficulties. 1 Corinthians 13:7 states, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." However, it is important to note that this principle applies within the context of a healthy and God-honoring relationship.


Parla Più Piano, performed by Katherine Jenkins, is a poignant song that captures the essence of forbidden love and the desire to protect and cherish a relationship. The key messages of the song emphasize secrecy, exclusivity, and enduring love. While the song evokes deep emotions and resonates with listeners, a critical analysis from a Biblical perspective raises questions about the themes of secrecy and forbidden love.

Ultimately, it is important to approach songs like Parla Più Piano with discernment and to align their messages with Biblical principles. Love should be expressed in a way that honors God, promotes honesty, and aligns with the values and principles outlined in the Bible.

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